Clinical Indications: What Can Be 3D Printed in Your Practice?

Lower Costs, Reduced Lead Times, Better Outcomes

Stepping into the world of digital dentistry and embracing 3D printing in your practice has never been easier. The barriers to entry are lower than ever and interoperability between scanning devices and fabricating devices from different manufacturers means no more vendor lock-in and prohibitive subscription fees.

With tools like intraoral scanners and dental CAD software at your fingertips, you’ll find they blend seamlessly with our SprintRay products, all thanks to the magic of the universally-accepted ".STL" file format for 3D models. Say goodbye to the hassle of messy impression trays and stone dental models - once you experience the convenience of in-office 3D printing, you’ll be left wondering how you ever managed without it.  


Digital Dentistry Workflow


Flexibility: In-Office Treatment Design, Partner Treatment Design, and SprintRay Cloud

For maximum speed and flexibility, design dental appliances for treatment in your office using the dental CAD software of your choosing.

Alternatively, leverage your existing lab relationship or find a design partner to take care of this step for you, sending you digital files that are ready for print.

Also available at your disposal is the SprintRay Cloud Design service: You Scan, and SprintRay Plan.
SprintRay Cloud Design allows you to tackle production in your office with a blend of artificial intelligence and experienced on-demand designers, all managed from a single cloud portal. The choice is yours.


Clinical Indications

Opening up new treatment options to enable a better response to patient needs, lower costs, and better outcomes. 

Surgical Guides
Fabricate highly accurate surgical guides for just a few dollars.

Digital Dentures
Fast and Easy try-in and Long-Term dentures in days, not weeks.

Provisionals and Wax-ups
3D Print provisionals and wax-ups for restorative and cosmetic procedures

Splints and Night-Guards
Long-lasting and comfortable nightguards and splints

Dental Models
Removable die or study models for patient presentation, diagnostics, or lab work.

Clear Aligners
Efficiently deliver Clear Aligners much faster and at a much lower cost than the big box companies.

Indirect Bonding Trays
Flexible orthodontic bonding trays for fast bracket placement.

Crown and Bridge
Crowns and Bridges 3D printed in your office for just a few dollars in material cost.


Wow your patients and reap the benefits

3D printing enables better responsiveness to patient needs, significantly reduces manufacturing times, and opens up new treatment options. With low operating costs, minimal maintenance, and user-friendly design, there's never been a better time to bring digital dentistry and 3D printing together in your practice.

Reach out to our friendly team to take a closer look or ask questions. We'd be delighted to hear from you.